726 research outputs found

    Quantum Riemann surfaces, 2D gravity and the geometrical origin of minimal models

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    Based on a recent paper by Takhtajan, we propose a formulation of 2D quantum gravity whose basic object is the Liouville action on the Riemann sphere ÎŁ0,m+n\Sigma_{0,m+n} with both parabolic and elliptic points. The identification of the classical limit of the conformal Ward identity with the Fuchsian projective connection on ÎŁ0,m+n\Sigma_{0,m+n} implies a relation between conformal weights and ramification indices. This formulation works for arbitrary dd and admits a standard representation only for d≀1d\le 1. Furthermore, it turns out that the integerness of the ramification number constrains d=1−24/(n2−1)d=1-24/(n^2-1) that for n=2m+1n=2m+1 coincides with the unitary minimal series of CFT.Comment: DFPD/93/TH/62. Remarks on the d=1 barrier and references adde

    The Higgs model for anyons and Liouville action: Chaotic spectrum, energy gap and exclusion principle

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    Geodesic completness and self-adjointness imply that the Hamiltonian for anyons is the Laplacian with respect to the Weil-Petersson metric. This metric is complete on the Deligne-Mumford compactification of moduli (configuration) space. The structure of this compactification fixes the possible anyon configurations. This allows us to identify anyons with singularities (elliptic points with ramification q−1q^{-1}) in the Poincar\'e metric implying that anyon spectrum is chaotic for n≄3n\ge 3. Furthermore, the bound on the holomorphic sectional curvature of moduli spaces implies a gap in the energy spectrum. For q=0q=0 (punctures) anyons are infinitely separated in the Poincar\'e metric (hard-core). This indicates that the exclusion principle has a geometrical intepretation. Finally we give the differential equation satisfied by the generating function for volumes of the configuration space of anyons.Comment: DFPD/93/TH/69, LaTe

    Uniformization theory and 2D gravity I. Liouville action and intersection numbers

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    This is the first part of an investigation concerning the formulation of 2D gravity in the framework of the uniformization theory of Riemann surfaces. As a first step in this direction we show that the classical Liouville action appears in the expression of the correlators of topological gravity. Next we derive an inequality involving the cutoff of 2D gravity and the background geometry. Another result, always related to uniformization theory, concerns a relation between the higher genus normal ordering and the Liouville action. Furthermore, we show that the chirally split anomaly of CFT is equivalent to the Krichever-Novikov cocycle. By means of the inverse map of uniformization we give a realization of the Virasoro algebra on arbitrary Riemann surfaces and find the eigenfunctions for {\it holomorphic} covariant operators defining higher order cocycles and anomalies which are related to WW-algebras. Finally we attack the problem of considering the positivity of eσe^\sigma, with σ\sigma the Liouville field, by proposing an explicit construction for the Fourier modes on compact Riemann surfaces.Comment: 53 pages. '95 publ. version, contains Eq.(5.23), independently derived in hep-th/0004194 studying the null compactification of type-IIA-strin

    N=2 SYM RG Scale as Modulus for WDVV Equations

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    We derive a new set of WDVV equations for N=2 SYM in which the renormalization scale Λ\Lambda is identified with the distinguished modulus which naturally arises in topological field theories.Comment: 6 pages, LaTe

    Koebe 1/4-Theorem and Inequalities in N=2 Super-QCD

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    The critical curve C{\cal C} on which Im τ^=0{\rm Im}\,\hat\tau =0, τ^=aD/a\hat\tau=a_D/a, determines hyperbolic domains whose Poincar\'e metric is constructed in terms of aDa_D and aa. We describe C{\cal C} in a parametric form related to a Schwarzian equation and prove new relations for N=2N=2 Super SU(2)SU(2) Yang-Mills. In particular, using the Koebe 1/4-theorem and Schwarz's lemma, we obtain inequalities involving uu, aDa_D and aa, which seem related to the Renormalization Group. Furthermore, we obtain a closed form for the prepotential as function of aa. Finally, we show that ∂τ^⟹tr ϕ2⟩τ^=18πib1⟚ϕ⟩τ^2\partial_{\hat\tau} \langle {\rm tr}\,\phi^2\rangle_{\hat \tau}={1\over 8\pi i b_1}\langle \phi\rangle_{\hat\tau}^2, where b1b_1 is the one-loop coefficient of the beta function.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex file, Expanded version: new results, technical details explained, misprints corrected and references adde

    Reply to Comment on "Duality of x and psi in Quantum Mechanics"

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    The content of the comment [hep-th/9712219] is the derivation of Eq.(13) in Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 (1997) 163 by direct differential calculus: which is precisely the same method we used to derive it (it is in fact difficult to imagine any other possible derivation).Comment: 2 pages, LaTe

    Solving N=2 SYM by Reflection Symmetry of Quantum Vacua

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    The recently rigorously proved nonperturbative relation between u and the prepotential, underlying N=2 SYM with gauge group SU(2), implies both the reflection symmetry u(τ)‟=u(−τˉ)\overline{u(\tau)}=u(-\bar\tau) and u(τ+1)=−u(τ)u(\tau+1)=-u(\tau) which hold exactly. The relation also implies that τ\tau is the inverse of the uniformizing coordinate u of the moduli space of quantum vacua. In this context, the above quantum symmetries are the key points to determine the structure of the moduli space. It turns out that the functions a(u) and a_D(u), which we derive from first principles, actually coincide with the solution proposed by Seiberg and Witten. We also consider some relevant generalizations.Comment: 12 pg. LaTex, Discussion of the generalization to higher rank groups added. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    On the Structure of Noncommutative N=2 Super Yang-Mills Theory

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    We show that the recently proposed formulation of noncommutative N=2 Super Yang-Mills theory implies that the commutative and noncommutative effective coupling constants \tau(u) and \tau_{nc}(u) coincide. We then introduce a key relation which allows to find a nontrivial solution of such equation, thus fixing the form of the low-energy effective action. The dependence on the noncommutative parameter arises from a rational function deforming the Seiberg-Witten differential.Comment: 1+5 pages, LaTe

    Extending the Belavin-Knizhnik "wonderful formula" by the characterization of the Jacobian

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    A long-standing question in string theory is to find the explicit expression of the bosonic measure, a crucial issue also in determining the superstring measure. Such a measure was known up to genus three. Belavin and Knizhnik conjectured an expression for genus four which has been proved in the framework of the recently introduced vector-valued Teichmueller modular forms. It turns out that for g>3 the bosonic measure is expressed in terms of such forms. In particular, the genus four Belavin-Knizhnik "wonderful formula" has a remarkable extension to arbitrary genus whose structure is deeply related to the characterization of the Jacobian locus. Furthermore, it turns out that the bosonic string measure has an elegant geometrical interpretation as generating the quadrics in P^{g-1} characterizing the Riemann surface. All this leads to identify forms on the Siegel upper half-space that, if certain conditions related to the characterization of the Jacobian are satisfied, express the bosonic measure as a multiresidue in the Siegel upper half-space. We also suggest that it may exist a super analog on the super Siegel half-space.Comment: 15 pages. Typos corrected, refs. and comments adde

    Noncommutative Riemann Surfaces

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    We compactify M(atrix) theory on Riemann surfaces Sigma with genus g>1. Following [1], we construct a projective unitary representation of pi_1(Sigma) realized on L^2(H), with H the upper half-plane. As a first step we introduce a suitably gauged sl_2(R) algebra. Then a uniquely determined gauge connection provides the central extension which is a 2-cocycle of the 2nd Hochschild cohomology group. Our construction is the double-scaling limit N\to\infty, k\to-\infty of the representation considered in the Narasimhan-Seshadri theorem, which represents the higher-genus analog of 't Hooft's clock and shift matrices of QCD. The concept of a noncommutative Riemann surface Sigma_\theta is introduced as a certain C^\star-algebra. Finally we investigate the Morita equivalence.Comment: LaTeX, 1+14 pages. Contribution to the TMR meeting ``Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supersymmetry and unification'', Paris 1-7 September 199
